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: Facebook is going to remove chat to promote messenger :

Facebook Is Going To Remove Chat To Promote Messenger

Facebook is going to remove the chat from the iPhone and Android application primary, in order to force users to install a Facebook Messenger App independent. Facebook has already informed their users in the United Kingdom, France and other European countries that are going to need to install a separate implementation of Messenger if you want to continue using the Facebook chat on their smartphones.
In this regard the company issued a statement, saying that they have created an experience of fast and reliable messaging through Messenger, and are now determined to focus on that experience. The agents of the company acknowledged that plan to ultimately require that users around the world the Facebook Messenger App installed, but could not deliver a detailed timeframe for the change.
Facebook Messenger App developers point out that the free, independent Chat Messenger is faster than the integrated messaging service in the main Facebook application for smartphones. Users also will be provided more features into the Messenger application, including the ability to make voice calls through Wi -Fi in some countries and send texts on Android.
For the time being, Facebook maintains with growing competition from mobile messaging application new and rapid growth as the line and WeChat, together with this type of established brands such as Google hangouts and BBM BlackBerry. Luckily Facebook able to obtain one of its largest competitors messaging WhatsApp, $19 billion a couple of months ago. WhatsApp then publicized the addition of voice calls later in February at the Mobile World Congress.
Industry experts believe that the decision of Facebook to inspire users to switch to a messaging application separately in the smartphone or could help to increase the fame of his Messenger or cause a violent response if users see the action as heavy-handed. In addition, this standalone application also competes directly with WhatsApp.
However, Facebook is moving progressively in the mobile space, believing it is a way to continue the growth of its 1.2 billion-strong base of users. The company has developed or acquired in a catalog of independent applications, apart from its main application in recent years. Three months ago, Facebook launched Paper, an application of news-reading-heavy photo that has already been earned positive comments. The company also bought it to share photos Instagram application a couple of years ago, which recently reached 200 million users.

Enjoy :)

Ahmad Bin Shafiq and Momin Ali


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